high level - defines
handling of URLs
low level - set of
virtual servers for a particular IPs
Virtual servers:
- similar to VirtualHost in apache
- contains `location`'s for controlling
processing of specific set of URI's
Setting Up Virtual Servers
- nginx.conf requires
atleast 1 `server` directive
http {
server {
# Server configuration
w/ `listen`
server {
# - if port is ommited, standard port
is used
# - if address is ommited, server
listens on all addresses
# - if whole `listen` directive is
ommited, standard port
is 80/tcp and default port is 8000/tcp
listening on
multiple ports
srver {
using `server_name`
server {
listen 80;
# - If there are several servers that
match the IP address
and port of the request, NGINX Plus tests the request’s
Host header field against the server_name directives
server_name example.org www.example.org;
# - can be exact name, wild card, or
regular expression
# - regular expressions make use of `~`
# - if several names match the host
header, nginx chooses by"
1. exact name
2. longest wildcard starting with `*` (e.g *.example.org)
3. longest wildcard ending with `* (e.g mail.*)
4. first matching regular expression
5. routes request to the default server; default server is
the 1st listed in nginx.conf or the one with
`listen 80 default_servr` directive
- nginx can handle
requests based on the requested URI
- that is done by
using `location` within a `server` block
- nginx first
compares URI with prefix string then to a regular expression
- higher priority is
given to regex (unless ^~ is used)
Order of search:
1. Test the URI
against all prefix strings.
2. The = (equals
sign) modifier defines an exact match of the URI and a prefix
string. If the exact match is found, the
search stops. If the ^~
(caret-tilde) modifier prepends the longest
matching prefix string, the
regular expressions are not checked.
3. Store the longest
matching prefix string.
4. Test the URI
against regular expressions.
5. Break on the first
matching regular expression and use the corresponding
6. If no regular
expression matches, use the location corresponding to the
stored prefix string.
matches the
server {
location /some/path/ {
# doesn't match /my-site/some/path
matches URI's with
or .html at any
location ~ \.html?
# uses `~` to signify are regular
searches stop if
location = / {
performs different
on different URIs
server {
location /images/ {
root /data;
# - serves content under /data
# - if client requests for
nginx will server /data/images/file.jpg
location / {
proxy_pass http://www.example.com;
# - redirect request to a backend
this regex will
accept any
of the ff URIs:
location ~ /data/?
autoindex on;
order of search
location /dir1/ { # this will not
take effect
root /data;
~ /dir1/ { # this will take effect even it comes later
root /data2; # on the
list because regex takes precedence
Using Variables
- calculated at
- preceeded by `$`
- pre-defined
variables are available
- custom variable can
be defined using: set, map, geo
- e.g: $remote_addr
contains client's and $uri holds
the current URI value
Returning Status Codes
- uses `return`
- can be used inside
`location` and `server` contexts
returns 404 when
the wrong
URI was requested
by client
location /wrong/url
return 404;
returns a redirect
- available for status codes
301, 302, 303, and 304
/permanently/moved/url {
return 301
Rewriting URIs
- makes use of
`rewrite` directive
- it can be used
inside both `server` and `location` directives
- sequence:
1. nginx process a set of rewrite
2. selects location context according to new
3. if selected location contains rewrites,
those are process in turn
4. then a new URI s formed and so on..
- 2 parameters that
interrupts processing of rewrites:
1. last - skips the rest of rewrite under
the current server/location
directive; the new URI can still
be rewrited by other server
or location directives
2. break - stops processing of other
rewrites on the current server
or location directive, cancels
search for locations
matching the new URI, and
prevents execution of rewrites on
the new location
re-writes a
specific URI
location /users/ {
rewrite ^/users/(.*)$ /show?user=$1
# - 1st parameter: regex matching the
# - 2nd paremeter: substituted URI
# - 3rd parameter: `break` halts
processing of further `rewrite` directive
`rewrite` with
server {
rewrite ^(/download/.*)/media/(.*)\..*$
$1/mp3/$2.mp3 last;
# `last` flag allows the 2nd `rewrite`
below to be
skipped when this 1st on is matched
rewrite ^(/download/.*)/audio/(.*)\..*$
$1/mp3/$2.ra last;
# if no `rewrite` was matched above,
nginx will return 403
replaces `http`
with `https`
location / {
sub_filter 'href="' 'href="https://$host/';
sub_filter 'img src="'
'img src="https://$host/';
sub_filter_once on;
Handling Errors
- nginx can return a
custom page alongside with an error code
- a redirect can also
be process
- `error_page` is
processed only when errors occured
- `return` is
processed immediately even w/o errors
specifies /404/html
to return 404
status code
error_page 404
returns a "not
(status code 405)
location /private/
return 405;
replaces 404 with
301 and redirect
clients to a
specific URI
/old/path.html {
error_page 404 =301 http:/example.com/new/path.html;
a better example
server {
location /images/ {
root /data/www;
# tells where to search for the
open_file_cache_errors off;
# prevents writing errors when file
is not found
error_page 404 = /fetch$uri;
# make an internal redirect if the
file is not found
location /fetch/ {
proxy_pass http://backend/;
# if /images/pic.jpg is not found,
here it will be
# process as http://backend/fetch/images/pic.jpg
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