Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Netapp CDot Administration

Cluster vs SVM Admins

SVM Admins
 - can only administer their own SVM
 - SVMs are short for Storage Virtual Machines (formerly called vservers)
 - manages resources to that SVM (volumes, protocols, lifs, etc..)

Cluster Admins
 - can administer both the cluster and all SVMs underneath
 - can setup SVMs and delegate roles to SVM admins

How to manage DataONTAP?


1. command line (tcsh shell)
  cluser admins:
    a. serial port (default admin account: admin)
    b. ssh
        - enabled by default
        - account must be permitted via ssh login (`security login -application`)
        - if using AD, domain ssh access methos must be "domain"
        - if using ipv6, ipv6 must be configure on the cluster
    c. rsh/telnet
        - disabled by default since they are insecure protocols
        - to enable, see tutorial below

2. url

Some notes on SSH

 - SSHv1 is not supported, only SSHv2 (cDOT 8.3)
 - DOT supports 64 concurrent SSH connections per node
 - if rate of incoming connections is higher than 10 per second,
   service is temporarily disabled for 60 seconds
 - if using AD, use same username and domain create from DOT

Privileged Levels



- most commands and parameters are available
- used for common routine tasks

- commands here are infrequently used
- requires advanced knowledge
what does the prompt looks like??

- commands here are potentially disruptve
- used by support personnel to diagnose and fix problems

  - command preceded by `*` can only be executed under advanced
    privileged level or higher

Different Shells

* for cluster admins only *

1. clustershell
    - default shell when you log in
    - used to manage the cluster

2. nodeshell
    - shell for a specific node
    - many commands from nodeshell can be accessed from clustershell

3. systemshell
    - used for diagnostics/troubleshooting purposes
    - requires diag priveleged level
    - intended for technical support use

Display Preferences

What preferences can I set?

- privilege level of the command session
- whether confirmations are issued for potentially disruptive commands
- whether show commands display all fields
- the character or characters to use as the field separator
- the default unit when reporting data sizes
- the number of rows the screen displays in the current cli session
  before the interface pauses output (if the preferred number of rows
  is not specified, it is automatically adjusted based on the actual
  height of the terminal. if the actual height is undefined, the default
  number of rows is 24)
- the default storage virtual machine (svm) or node
- whether a continuing command should stop if it encounters an error

Ways of executing Commands

1. full path

cluster1::> storage disk show

2. per directory

cluster1::> storage
cluster1::storage> disk
cluster1::storage disk> show

  * use `top` to go to top level
  * use `up` or `..` to go one level higher

3. abbreviating commands

cluster1::> st d sh

Rules for specifying values in CLI

- a value can be a number, string, boolean specifier
- some accepts a comma-separated list (doesn't need "")
- enclose values with spaces inside ""
- `?` is interpreted as help
- example of case-insensitive command is `vserver cifs `
- nodenames, volumes, aggregates, LIFs, etc .. are case-sensitive
- to clear a value, use "" or -
- lines starting with # are comments

some examples:

# sets a comment then deletes it
cluster1::> vserver create -vserver vs0 -subtype default -rootvolume root_vs0
-aggregate aggr1 -rootvolume-security-style unix -language C.UTF-8 -is-repository
false -ipspace ipspaceA -comment "My SVM"
cluster1::> vserver modify -vserver vs0 -comment ""

# tells that the command do
cluster1::> security login create -vserver vs0 -user-or-group-name new-admin
-application ssh -authmethod password #This command creates a new user account

Query operators

match all entries

# list all volumes with "tmp" on their name
volume show -volume *tmp*
NOT operator

# indicates not to match vs0
OR operator

# vs0 or vs1
vs0 | vs1

# matches a, anything that starts with b, or those with c
a | b* | *c*
range operator

# any value from 5 to 10
less than operator
greater than operator
less then or equal to
greater than or equal to
extended query
  - must be specified as the 1st argument after
    the command name before any other parameters
  - can only be used in `modify` and `delete`
  - not applicable on `create` or `show` commands
  - example of confusing exended query: p.22 of
    "ONTAP 9 System Administration Reference"

# offlines all volumes whose names contain "tmp"
volume modify {-volume *tmp*} -state offline
"string literal"
you may also query any characters as literals by
enclosing them in ""

using multiple query operators
# displays all volumes whose size is greater than 1GB,
# percent used is less than 50% and not in SVM vs1
volume show -size >1GB -percent-used <50 -vserver="" p="" vs1="">


# querying clustershell cli
vserver options -vserver -option-name ?

# accessing vserver man page
man vserver options

# cluster shell help

# node shell help

# accessing node shell
system node run -node
  * local - node you use to access the cluster
  * `system node run` alias is `run`

# exits/return to previous shell (if there is any)

# connecting using local ssh account
ssh joe@cluster.ip

# connecting using AD account
ssh DOMAIN\\joe@cluster.ip
ssh "DOMAIN\joe"@cluster.ip

# executing remote command via ssh
ssh joe@cluster.ip cluster show

# prints history

# redo nth command in history

# redo command executed Nth number ago
redo -

privelege levels
# changes privilege level
set -privilege

setting display preferences
# key command

# sets number of rows on the current session

# changes separator and units used
set -showseparator "," -units GB

# displays full details
cluster1::> volume show -instance
Vserver Name: cluster1-1
Volume Name: vol0
Aggregate Name: aggr0
Space Guarantee Style: volume
Space Guarantee in Effect: true
Press to page down, for next line, or 'q' to quit...

# displays only the fields you specify
cluster1::> volume show -fields space-guarantee,space-guarantee-enabled
vserver volume space-guarantee space-guarantee-enabled
-------- ------ --------------- -----------------------
cluster1-1 vol0 volume true
cluster1-2 vol0 volume true

# show valid fields
show -fields ?

Command Shortcuts

- DataOntap shell is based on unix tcsh
- below are copy pasted from the pdf

If you want to ..
Use the ff keyboard shortcut
move the cursor back by one character
Ctrl-B / Back arrow
move the cursor forward by one character
Ctrl-F / Forward arrow
move the cursor back by one word
move the cursor forward by one word
move the cursor to the beginning of the line
move the cursor to the end of the line
Remove the content of the command line from the beginning of the
line to the cursor, and save it in the cut buffer
The cut buffer acts like temporary memory, similar to what is called a
clipboard in some programs.
Remove the content of the command line from the cursor to the end
of the line, and save it in the cut buffer
Remove the content of the command line from the cursor to the end
of the following word, and save it in the cut buffer
Remove the word before the cursor, and save it in the cut buffer
Yank the content of the cut buffer, and push it into the command line
at the cursor
Delete the character before the cursor
Ctrl-H / Backspace
Delete the character where the cursor is
Clear the line
Clear the screen
Replace the current content of the command line with the previous
entry on the history list
With each repetition of the keyboard shortcut, the history cursor
moves to the previous entry.
Ctrl-P / Esc-P / Up arrow
Replace the current content of the command line with the next entry
on the history list
With each repetition of the keyboard shortcut, the history cursor
moves to the next entry
Ctrl-N / Esc-N / Down arrow
Expand a partially entered command or list valid input from the
current editing position
Tab / Ctrl-I
Display context-sensitive help
Escape the special mapping for the question mark (“?”) character
For instance, to enter a question mark into a command's argument,
press Esc and then the “?” character.
Start TTY output
Stop TTY output


Enabling rsh/telnet
1. Use `system services firewall policy clone` command to create
   a new management firewall policy based from the default which
   is "mgmt" firewall policy

2. Use `system services firewall policy create` command to enable
   telnet or rsh on the new firewall policy

3. Use `network interfaces modify` command to associate the new
   policy with the cluster management LIF

4. Then to access your cluster:
     telnet cluster.ip
     rsh cluster.ip -l username:password

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