- Nginx can provide
load balancing to a group of servers
- Advantages of load
a. optimize resource utilization
b. maximize throughput
c. reduce latency
d. fault tolerance
Proxying Traffic to a group of servers
- setup is similar to
`Secure TCP to Upstream` KB
example config
http {
upstream backend {
# `server` directive here is
different from
# the one used in virtual servers
server backend1.example.com;
# member 2
server backend2.example.com;
# backup
server backup;
server {
location / {
# call the upstream via name
proxy_pass http://backend;
actual testing
nginx version:
built by gcc 4.8.5
20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-4) (GCC)
built with OpenSSL
1.0.1e-fips 11 Feb 2013
proxy server config
cat virt1.conf
upstream backend {
server backend1.home.net;
server backend2.home.net;
server {
server_name virt1.home.net;
location / {
proxy_pass http://backend;
# backend1 config
cat backend1.conf
server {
server_name backend1.home.net;
root /data;
location / {
autoindex on;
# backend2 config
cat backend2.conf
server {
server_name backend2.home.net;
root /data;
location / {
autoindex on;
Load Balancing Methods
- requests are distributed evenly across
- server weights are taken into
- default method (no directive for enabling
upstream backend {
server backend1.example.com;
server backend2.example.com;
- request is sent to server w/ least number
active connections
- server weights are taken into
upstream backend {
server backend1.example.com;
server backend2.example.com;
- destination of request is determine from
ip (first 3 octets of IPV4 or whole IPV6)
- guarantees that requests from same IP gets
same server unless it is not available
- if server needs to be removed temporarily,
can be mark as `down` to preserve current
of client IPs (requests to that server
will go
to the next in the group)
upstream backend {
server backend1.example.com;
server backend2.example.com;
in case 1 server is
down for maintenance:
upstream backend {
server backend1.example.com;
server backend2.example.com;
server backend3.example.com down;
- generic hash method
- destination server is determined by
key (text/variable/source IP:PORT)
- `consistent` option enables
"ketama" hash load
- requests will be evenly distributed across
on user-defined hash value
- if a server is added/removed, only few
keys will
be remapped w/c minimizes cache misses
upstream backend {
hash $request_uri consistent;
server backend1.example.com;
server backend2.example.com;
- available on Nginx PLUS only
- selects server w/ lowest average latency
least number of connections
- lowest average latency is computed based
a. header - time to receive 1st byte from
b. last_byte - time to receive full
from server
upstream backend {
least_time header;
server backend1.example.com;
server backend2.example.com;
Server Weights
- by default, Nginx
distributes requests among servers according to their
weights using round-robin method
- default weight is 1
example config from
upstream backend {
# This member has the highest weight of 5
meaning 5 out of 6
# requests will go this server.
server backend1.example.com weight=5;
# This member has a default weight of 1.
server backend2.example.com;
# this server doesn't receive request
unless any of the servers
# above goes down (weight=1)
server backup;
Server Slow Start
- prevents a recently
recovered server from overwhelming by connections w/c may
timeout and cause the server to be marked as
failed again
- this allows to
gradually recover its weight from zero to nominal value
- this is done using
`slow_start` directive
- note: if there is
only 1 server in a group, the following directives will be
a. max_fails
b. fail_timeout
c. slow_start
upstream backend {
server backend1.example.com
server backend2.example.com;
server backup;
Enabling Session Persistence
- Nginx plus can
identify user sessions and route requests to same upstream
- Nginx plus supports
3 session persistence methods using `sticky` directive:
1. sticky cookie
- simplest session persistence method
- adds session cookie to the first
response from upstream
- identifies server w/c has sent the
- when client issues next request, it
will contain the cookie and Nginx
will route it to the same upstream
2. sticky route
- when client sends 1st request, a
route is assigned to that client
- all subsequent requests will be
compared to `route` option
- route information is taken from
3. cookie learn
- NGINX Plus finds session identifiers
by inspecting requests and
- NGINX Plus learns w/c upstream
server corresponds to w/c session
- session identifiers are passed to
HTTP cookie
- if a request contains a session
identifier already "learned", NGINX
Plus forwards the request to the
corresponding server
- doesn't require keeping cookies on
client side
- all info is kept on memory-side in
shared memory zone
- most sophisticated way of storing
persistence method
Sample configs:
sticky cookie
upstream backend {
server backend1.example.com;
server backend2.example.com;
# srv_id
-> cookie name
# expires -> time cookie will expire
on client browser
# domain
-> domain for w/c cookie is set (optional)
# path
-> path for w/c cookie is set (optional)
sticky cookie srv_id expires=1h
domain=.example.com path=/;
sticky route
upstream backend {
server backend1.example.com route=a;
server backend2.example.com route=b;
sticky route $route_cookie $route_uri;
cookie learn
upstream backend {
# upstream servers creates session by
setting "EXAMPLECOOKIE" in the response < I don't understand
server backend1.example.com;
server backend2.example.com;
# create -> indicates how a new session
is created (required)
# lookup -> indicates how to search for
existing sessions (required)
# zone
-> shared memory zone where all cookies are kept
sticky learn
# sequence:
1. new session is created from cookie "EXAMPLECOOKIE" sent
by upstream server
2. existing sessions are searched in cookie "EXAMPLECOOKIE"
Limiting number of connections
- requires NGINX Plus
- number of
connections can be limited using `max_conns` parameter
- if `max_conns` has
been reached, further connections can be placed in queue if
`queue` directive is specified
- if `queue` has been
filled up or upstream server cannot be selected during the
timeout period specified in `timeout`, client
will receive an error
- NOTE: `max_conns`
will be ignored if idle keepalive is set on worker processes
- number of
connections can exceed `max_conns` in a configuration where the
memory is shared w/ multiple worker processes
sample config
upstream backend {
server backend1.example.com max_conns=3;
server backend2.example.com;
queue 100 timeout=70;
Passive Health Monitoring
- when Nginx consider
a server unavailable, it stops sending requests to that
server until its consider to be active again
- `server` options
w/c consider a server unavailable:
a. fail_timeout (default: 10 seconds)
b. max_fails (default: 1 attempt)
sample config
upstream backend
server backend1.example.com;
# server is
mark unavailable for 30 seconds if response is not receive after 3 attempts
server backend2.example.com max_fails=3
# server is mark unavailable for 10
seconds if response is not receive after 2 attempts
backend3.example.com max_fails=2;
Active Health Monitoring
- a more
sohpisticated way of monitoring compared to "Passive Health
- periodically sends
special requests to servers and checks their response
- to activate:
include `health_check` within the `location` block that passes
request to the group
sample config
http {
upstream backend {
# shared memory zone among worker
- stores configuration of server group
- enables workers to use same set of counters to keep track
of responses from servers in the group
- a counter includes:
# a. current number of connections to
each server in the group
- b. number of failed attempts
to pass request to a server
zone backend 64k;
server backend1.example.com;
server backend2.example.com;
server backend3.example.com;
server backend4.example.com;
server {
location / {
# - by default, Nginx Plus sends `/`
requests to each member of group every 5 seconds
# - if an error/timeout occured (proxied
server respond other than status code 2XX/3XX),
health check failed for that server
# - a server that fails a health check is
unhealty and Nginx Plus stops sending requests
to it until it passes a healtch check
proxy_pass http://backend;
default behaviour
can be
overwritten using
some parameters
in `health_check`
location / {
proxy_pass http://backend;
health_check interval=10 fails=3
# interval - interval between checks in
# fails
- # of failed health checks to consider a server unhealthy
# passes
- # of successful health checks to consider a server healthy
setting a specific
URI to check
every health check
location / {
proxy_pass http://backend;
health_check uri=/some/path;
# every health check will append the uri
to the IP/hostname of
# each server in the group
# e.g
specifying a custom
that will satisfy a
check using `match`
http {
match server_ok {
status 200-399; # responses
must be any number between 200 and 399
body !~ "maintenance
mode"; #
body must not contain any kind of "maintenance mode" string (regex)
server {
location / {
proxy_pass http://backend;
health_check match=server_ok;
another examples
using `match`
example 1
match welcome {
status 200;
header Content-Type = text/html;
body ~ "Welcome to nginx!";
# example 2
match not_redirect
status ! 301-303 307;
header ! Refresh;
Sharing Data with Multiple Worker Processes
- if `upstream`
directive doesn't include `zone` directive:
a. each worker process keeps its own copy
of server group config
b. each maintain its own set of related
c. server group configuration isn't
- if `upstream`
directive does include `zone` directive:
a. server group config is placed in memory
area shared among all workers
b. workers utilize same set of counters
c. dynamically configurable
- `zone` directive is
mandatory for:
a. health checks
b. on-the-fly configurations
example scenario if
server configuration
is not shared |
For example, if the
configuration of a group is not shared, each worker process maintains its
own counter for
failed attempts to pass a request to a server (see the max_fails parameter).
In this case, each
request gets to only one worker process. When the worker process that is
selected to process
a request fails to transmit the request to a server, other worker
processes don’t
know anything about it. While some worker process can consider a server
unavailable, others
may still send requests to this server. For a server to be definitively
unavailable, max_fails multiplied by the number of workers processes of
attempts should
happen within the timeframe set by fail_timeout. On the other hand, the
zone directive
guarantees the expected behavior.
some notes on
`least_conn` directive
The least_conn load
balancing method might not work as expected without the zone directive,
at least on small
loads. This method of tcp and http load balancing passes a request to the
server with the
least number of active connections. Again, if the configuration of the group
is not shared, each
worker process uses its own counter for the number of connections. And
if one worker
process passes by a request to a server, the other worker process can also
pass a request to
the same server. However, you can increase the number of requests to
reduce this effect.
On high loads requests are distributed among worker processes evenly,
and the least_conn
load balancing method works as expected.
setting the size of
- there are no exact settings - it all depends on usage patterns - each feature such as:
will affect the zone size.
For example, the
256 Kb zone with the sticky_route session persistence method and a single
health check can
hold up to:
128 servers (adding
a single peer by specifying IP:port);
88 servers (adding
a single peer by specifying hostname:port, hostname resolves to single IP);
12 servers (adding
multiple peers by specifying hostname:port, hostname resolves to many IPs).
Configuring Load Balancing using DNS
- Nginx Plus can
monitor changes in server IP and apply this w/o restart
- this is done via
`resolver` directive
- by default, Nginx
resolves DNS records based on TTL
> this can be overwritten using `valid`
- if hostname
resolves to multiple IPs, the IPs will be store on the configuration and will
be load balanced
sample config
http {
resolver valid=300s ipv6=off;
resolver_timeout 10s;
server {
location / {
proxy_pass http://backend;
upstream backend {
zone backend 32k;
server backend1.example.com resolve;
server backend2.example.com resolve;
Load Balancing of Microsoft Exchange Servers
- in release 7 and
later, Nginx Plus can proxy traffic to Exchange servers and
load balanced it
sample config
http {
upstream exchange {
zone exchange 64k;
server exchange1.example.com;
server exchange2.example.com;
server {
listen 443 ssl;
ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/ssl/company.com.crt;
ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;
location / {
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Connection "";
On-Fly Configuration
- In Nginx Plus, it
is possible to modify load balancing configuration
> view all servers
> view a server in a group
> modify parameter for a particular
> add server(s)
> remove server(s)
- stores
configuration in shared memory
- changes are
discarded every time Nginx config file is reloaded
http {
Configuration of the server group
upstream appservers {
zone appservers 64k;
server appserv1.example.com weight=5;
server appserv2.example.com:8080
server reserve1.example.com:8080
server reserve2.example.com:8080
server {
# Location that proxies requests to the
location / {
proxy_pass http://appservers;
# This
allows on-the-fly configuration via API interface
location /upstream_conf {
deny all;
Configuring Persistence of On-the-Fly Configuration
- changes is stored
on a special file to avoid being discarded every config reload
http {
upstream appservers {
zone appservers 64k;
# This file is modified by
configuration commands from `upstream_conf`
# API interface. You should avoid
modifying this file directly.
state /var/lib/nginx/state/appservers.conf;
# All these servers should be moved
to the file using the upstream_conf API:
# server appserv1.example.com weight=5;
# server appserv2.example.com:8080
# server reserve1.example.com:8080
# server reserve2.example.com:8080
APIs used to configure Upstream servers on the fly
view all backup
adds new server in
the group
remove server from
a group
modifies parameter
for a particular server
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