Friday, June 15, 2018

Netapp Volumes (7-Mode)

Root Volume: /vol/vol0

--> this is were DataONTAP is installed and booted
--> minimum size depends on hardware model (consult hwu)
--> fractional reserve must be 100%
--> can be traditional or FlexVol
--> default RAID type is RAID-DP (starting from Data ONTAP 7.3)
--> you can change RAID type by: vol options vol0 raidtype raid4
--> you can designate another root volume: vol options root


# quick view of size and snapshots
df [-g|-h]

# displays block size
vol status -b

# detailed breakdown of space consumed inside a volume
vol status -S

# amount of space a volume is using within the aggregate (footprint)
vol status -F

# displays language used on each volumes
vol status -l

# basic
vol create [k|m|g|t]
  -> if -l is not specified, language will be same as the root volume's language

# thick provisioned (w/ space reservation, enabled by default)
vol create [k|m|g|t]
vol create myvolume myaggregate 1g
** you can also add "-s volume" option

# thin provisioned (w/o space reservation)
vol create -s none [k|m|g|t]
vol create -s none myvolume myaggregate 1g

# w/ language is specified --> not sure if this is required in creating ESX LUNS???
vol create -l en_US [k|m|g|t]
vol create devsql13_vol -l en_US aggr2 4t

- it is better to specify values in lower units to increase percentage of getting the desired size: e.g use 15360 GB instead of 15 TB

# turns off snap reserve
snap reserve 0

# disables snapshots (any of the 2 commands is applicable)
vol options nosnap on
vol options nosnap 1

# renames a volume (non-disruptive)
vol rename

# do steps in order
filer> vol offline /vol/
filer> vol destroy /vol/

  - deleting large volumes will not reclaim aggregate space rightaway
    it will take some time to reclaim all space
  - As an example, a 34 TB can be reclaimed in 24 hours

# increase
vol size +[k|m|g|t]

## reduce
vol size -[k|m|g|t]


Actual commands on Volume Creation
vol create data_share_vol -l en_US -s volume aggr2 30720g
vol options data_share_vol nosnap 1
snap reserve data_share_vol 0
Netapp share creation
1. Locate aggregate with enough space for new share(s)

aggr show_space -g
df -g -A

2. Create volumes - create volume, turn off automatic snapshots
   & remove snapshot reserve space

vol create -l en_US -s volume g
vol options nosnap 1
snap reserve 0

note: is usually images[0-9][0-9] & is 250. As of this
      writing filer01 has 2 available: aggr0 & aggr1

2. Create QTrees - create QTree, set security mode to NTFS and
   enable "opportunistic locks"

qtree create /vol//
qtree security /vol// ntfs
qtree oplocks /vol// enable

note: is usually the same as

3. Create CIFS shares
cifs shares -add /vol//

note: is usually "$"


running out of inodes?
Related message:

Fri Nov 20 14:52:54 EST [filer01:wafl.vol.outOfInodes:notice]: file system on Volume data_share_vol is out of inodes


1. Check the current inode value of the volume
maxfiles data_share_vol
df -i data_share_vol

2. Increase the max inodes
maxfiles data_share_vol 35000000
  -> 35000000 is a value greater than the current max inodes

3. Verify
maxfiles data_share_vol
df -i data_share_vol
creare_ucode config error
Log message:
Fri Apr 15 14:25:26 GMT [filer02:cmds.sysconf.logErr:error]: sysconfig: Unless directed by NetApp Global Services volumes vol0, backups_vol, backups2_vol, and vdi_vol should have the volume option create_ucode set to On. . 
Fri Apr 15 14:25:26 GMT [filer02:callhome.sys.config:error]: Call home for SYSTEM CONFIGURATION WARNING

For each volume, run the following command:
filer> vol options [volname] create_ucode on

Root cause:
Clustered filers in a NetApp Storage Area Network (SAN) environment require the following options to be enabled to guarantee that failover and giveback occur quickly enough to not interfere with host requests to the LUNs. These options are automatically enabled when FCP/iSCSI service is turned on:
  •        volume option create_ucode to on
  •        coredump.timeout.enable to on
  •        coredump.timout.seconds set to 60 or less

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