Saturday, May 22, 2021

Redis Tutorials

Setup and Installation 


Standalone Redis on Centos 7 

yum install -y epel-release 

yum install -y redis 

systemctl start redis 

redis-cli pong 

Redis Cluster on Centos 7 

1. Install redis on all nodes 

yum install -y epel-release 

yum install -y redis 


2. Configure master 

vi /etc/redis.conf  # update the following line: bind <put IP of Master here> 

firewall-cmd --add-port=6379/tcp 


3. Configure slaves 

vi /etc/redis.conf  # update the following line: slaveof <IP of Master> 6379 


4. Restart and enable redis on all nodes 

systemctl enable --now redis 


5. Login to master and create a key to validate> info replication> redis-cli> set 'a' 1 


6. verify on the nodes that the replication is working> redis-cli> get 'a'  # you must get correct value set from the master> info replication 





Copying data from 

another redis instance 




This task will copy DB from redis2 to redis1 


1. SSH to redis2 and get .rdb file from /var/lib/redis 


2. Stop redis1 since it will since it will overwrite the 

current DB when it exits. Copy the .rdb file to redis1 /var/lib/redis 


3. Start redis services in redis1 


4. Notice that the .rdb file in redis1 is now much larger, 

redis will compress it in time. 


Upgrading redis w/o 


- If you have a new server, set it up as slave of the current master 

- If using a single server, make sure slave is started on a different 


- Wait for sync to finish 

- Make sure all keys are replicated and the slave is replying to your 


- Allow writes to slave using "CONFIG SET slave-read-only no" 

- Configure all clients to use new slave 

- Make sure there are no more writes present on the master (use 

  "redis-cli monitor") 

- Elect the new slave as the new master using "SLAVEOF NO ONE" and 

  shutdown master 

- When using redis sentinel or redis cluster, upgrade slaves first then 

  promote the upgraded slave as the new master then continue on the next 

  slave and last on the original master 

- Redis cluster 4.0 is not compatible w/ Redis cluster 3.2 so a mass 

  restart is needed 

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