Interpreter can act as a calculator. Numbers such as 2, 4, and 30 have type `int` while 5.0 and 1.6 are of type `float` | >>> 2 + 2 4 >>> 50 - 5*6 20 >>> (50 - 5*6) / 4 5.0 >>> 8 / 5 # division always returns a floating point number 1.6 |
Division using `/` always returns a float. To discard fractional part, use `//` (floor division). Calculating the remainder is done via `%` (modulus operator). | >>> 17 / 3 # classic division returns a float 5.666666666666667 >>> >>> 17 // 3 # floor division discards the fractional part 5 >>> 17%3 # the % operator returns the remainder of the division 2 >>> 5*3 + 2 # result * divisor + remainder 17 |
Calculating powers is also possible. |
>>> 5 ** 2 # 5 squared 25 >>> 2 ** 7 # 2 to the power of 7 128 |
`=` sign is used to assign value to a variable | >>> width = 20 >>> height = 5 * 9 >>> width * height 900 |
If a variable is not "defined" (assigned a value), trying to use it will give you an error | >>> n # try to access an undefined variable Traceback (most recent call last): File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module> NameError: name 'n' is not defined |
Python always tries to display result as a floating number | >>> 3 * 3.75 / 1.5 # int * float / float 7.5 # results to a float >>> 7.0 / 2 # float / int 3.5 # results to a float |
You may do a continuous calculation because the | >>> tax = 12.5 / 100 >>> price = 100.50 >>> price * tax 12.5625 # this is assigned to `_` >>> price + _ # you can access the last value by calling `_` 113.0625 >>> round(_, 2) 113.06 |
Other number types supported | 1. decimal
>>> 3 + 5j - 5 - 5j (-2+0j) >>> |
Operations on numbers
Ways of limiting decimal places | >>> import math >>> pi = math.pi >>> pi 3.141592653589793 >>> >>> print('{0:.2f}'.format(pi)) 3.14 >>> print('%.2f' % pi) 3.14 >>> print(round(pi,2)) 3.14 >>> |
Rounding numbers | >>> round(123.454665575777) 123 >>> round(123.454665575777, 5) 123.45467 >>> |
Extracts decimal part | >>> x 2.34 >>> int(str(x).partition('.')[2]) 34 >>> |
Converts int to binary and vice versa | >>> bin(23) '0b10111' >>> int('10111', 2) 23 >>> |
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