Thursday, April 8, 2021

MRepo tutorial


  It is an open-source tool that creates a repository out of an ISO file (usually your installation disc) or from
public URLs like Those are some of the possible sources, explore the docs (see
sources below this post) for more choices.

  Aside from creating a repository, mrepo has the capability of making sure that both sides are in sync. When
a package from a has been remove, your local
repository will be udpated when you launch the mrepo command with the appropriate options (see tutorials
below on how to use mrepo command). Or if a newer package is available, mrepo will download it for you
and add it to your local repo.


1. Download the tarball from the site below. On other distribution, this is available via RPM on EPEL.

2. Untar it to any place you want.
tar xvf mrepo-0.8.7.tar.bz2

3. Go to the extracted directory and install it
cd mrepo-0.8.7
make install
# the installation will also produce a sysV script since this tool was prior to systemd. You may convert
# it to a unit file.

TIP: You might want to keep the extracted directory because it contains useful information like sample
    configurations and tutorials


In this part, we will create a repository out of an ISO file which typically is your distribution's installation disc.

1. Make sure the required directory exists
mkdir /var/mrepo

2. Create a subdirectory for your distribution
mkdir /var/mrepo/centos7-x86_64
# I chose the subdirectory name centos7-x86_64 because it is a valid format which is $dist-$arch.
# $dist and $arch is part of the config file as you will see in step 4. You may also use a format of $dist
# only but the former has an advantage in terms of containing the packages. If you use $dist only and
# in the future you provided URLs as source of your repository together with an existing ISO source,
# mrepo will create another directory which is /var/mrepo/$dist-$arch and put RPMs there instead on
# /var/mrepo/$dist. So in result, you will have 2 directories under /var/mrepo, subdir $dist which contain
# the actual ISO file and $dist-$arch which contains the RPMs from the URLs. So to make things cleaner,
# just create /var/mrepo/$dist-$arch at the start which will contain both the ISO and the URL RPMs w/o
# forcing mrepo to create separate directories.

3. Copy your distribution's ISO file (installation disc) to that directory
cp CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-1611.iso /var/mrepo/centos7-x86_64/

4. Update the main config file, mrepo.conf, by appending the configurations below
cat << EOF >> /etc/mrepo.conf
[centos7]  # $dist or tag; part of subdirectory name in step 2
name = Centos 7 (64-bit) # mrepo doesn't care any description you put here
release = 7
arch = x86_64  # self explanatory? :) this is also part of subdirectory name in step 2
metadata = repomd  # we'll pick this as we are creating an RPM repository (another possible value is apt)
iso = CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-1611.iso  # must match the filename copied in step 3
# it is important that you specify the filename correctly because mrepo will look for that file

TIP: You may also create a separate .conf file under /etc/mrepo.conf.d/ and mrepo will read it as if it is
included in the main config

5. Create the repository
mrepo -ugv  # see mrepo -h for flag uses
# As a summary, that command will perform the following:
#  1. Create /var/www/mrepo/$disr-$arch directory tree
#  2. Look for ISO files under the specified directories in order
#      /var/mrepo/$dist-$arch/$iso
#      /var/mrepo/$tag/$iso
#      /var/mrepo/iso/$iso
#      /var/mrepo/$iso
#  3. Mount ISO file to /var/www/mrepo/$dist-$arch/disc1 as a loop device
#  4. Create the links under /var/www/mrepo/$dist-$arch/

TIP: To see the detailed steps on how it create the repository, you may increase verbosity by -vvvvv (5 Vs!)

6. Once the above command completes, you will expect a directory structure similar to mine:

[root@home ~]# ll /var/www/mrepo/centos7-x86_64/  # this is the /var/www/mrepo/$dist-$arch
total 266
drwxr-xr-x. 8 root root   2048 Dec  5 21:20 disc1  # mountpoint of iso under /var/mrepo/$dist/$iso
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root     50 Mar 29 20:24 HEADER.shtml -> ../../../../usr/share/mrepo/html/HEADER.repo.shtml
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root     42 Mar 29 20:24 iso  # contains a symlink to /var/mrepo/$dist/$iso
lrwxrwxrwx. 1 root root     50 Mar 29 20:24 README.shtml -> ../../../../usr/share/mrepo/html/README.repo.shtml
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root      6 Mar 29 20:24 RPMS.all  # empty
drwxr-xr-x. 3 root root 212992 Mar 29 20:24 RPMS.os  # contains the actual RPMs as well as the repodata that came from the iso file
[root@home ~]#

7. You have now created a repository out from your ISO. But that repository is not yet available to clients
    until you share it via any methods like http, ftp, or nfs. Please see the other part of this post on where
    I demonstrate to you on how to share the repository via http method.


In this part, we are going to create and sync a local repository from a public URL repository. As an example,, contains extra packages for Centos 7 so we will use that for this demonstration.

1. Update the mrepo.conf and add the following lines:
cat << EOF >> /etc/mrepo.conf
name = Centos 7 (64-bit)
release = 7
arch = x86_64
metadata = repomd
base =$release/os/$arch/
updates =$release/updates/$arch/
extras =$release/extras/$arch/
epel =$arch
# base, updates, extras, and epel are strings to describe the corresponding URL repository
# the following directory trees will be created:
#  /var/mrepo/$dist-$arch/{base,updates,extras,epel}
#  /var/www/mrepo/$dist-$arch/RPMS.{base,updates,extras,epel}

2. Install lftp because mrepo will use that to get packages from the URLs
yum install -y lftp

3. Sync the repositories. Since this is the first time, this will download al packages. All succeeding sync using
mrepo command will just download new packages or remove packages in your local that are no longer existing from the URLs.
mrepo -ugv

4. When you are finish downloading all packages, you can now make the repositories accessible to clients.
    See next section for the steps.

NOTE: If you can use "mirrorlists" in traditional yum repo, here in mrepo you cannot.

Making your repositories accessible via HTTP

There are many ways on how you can make your repositories accessible. Some of this are via
NFS and FTP. We will use HTTP for this demonstration since this is by far the most common way.

* On server *

1. Install http
yum install -y httpd

2. Start and enable at boot
RHEL 6.X/sysV systems:
service httpd start
chkconfig httpd on
RHEL 7.X/systemd systems:
systemctl start httpd
systemctl enable httpd

3. Open up port 80 on firewall
iptables -A INPUT -m state --state NEW -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT
service iptables restart
firewall-cmd --add-service=http --permanent
firewall-cmd --reload

4. Add link of each repo to DocumentRoot. You may use another approach but this is the easiest for me. :)
ln -s /var/www/mrepo/ /var/www/html/mrepo

5. If selinux is enabled and in enforcing mode, change selinux context of /var/mrepo to allow httpd access
semanage fcontext -at httpd_sys_content_t '/var/mrepo(./*)?'
restorecon -Rv /var/mrepo

6. Make sure your repository is accessible by testing it on your local browser.

* On client *

1. Create .repo file
cat << EOF >> /etc/yum.repos.d/server.repo
name=Centos 7 - Base Packages (64-bit)

2. See if you can see the repository
yum repolist all

3. Validate by installing a package
yum install -y zsh


Official site:

mrepo command usage (no manual page but this is sufficient):
mrepo -h


Sample configurations:

Other web turorial:

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