Thursday, April 22, 2021

Boolean and Comparison Instructions


  • Performs AND on each bit of source and destination operands
  • Result is stored on destination operand

AND reg,reg
AND reg,mem
AND reg,imm
AND mem,reg
AND mem,imm

  • Example:

mov al,0000001b  ; al = 0000001b
and al,0000000b  ; al = 0000000b

  • Can be used to mask bits (leave them unchanged)

and AL,11110110b    ; clear bits 0 and 3, leave others unchanged

  • Flags being modified:
    • Always clears overflow and carry flags
    • Modifies Sign, Zero, and Parity flags


  • Similar to AND but performs OR instead

OR reg,reg
OR reg,mem
OR reg,imm
OR mem,reg
OR mem,imm

  • Can be used to modify a single bit leaving others unchanged

mov al,00000000b
or al,00000100b   ; set bit 2, leave others unchanged 

  • Here are the flags being modified (assuming AL is being modified)


  • Can be used as bit flippers (for symmetric encryption) - reversible property

  • Can be used whether a byte has even parity (parity flag set, even numbers of 1’s) or odd parity (parity flag clear, odd numbers of 1’s)

mov al,10110101b  ; 5 bits = odd parity
xor al,0          ; Parity flag clear (odd)
mov al,11001100b  ; 4 bits = even parity
xor al,0          ; Parity flag set (even)

  • Can be also used to check parity of a 16-bit integer - 16-bit parity

mov ax,64C1h ; 0110 0100 1100 0001
xor ah,al    ; Parity flag set (even) 

  • Doing XOR on exactly same integer results to 0 (XOR’ing to yourself). That means that it will set parity flag since the results is all 0’s (even number of 1’s).

mov al,22h   ; al = 22h
xor al,22h   ; al = 0


  • Inverts bits

NOT reg
NOT mem

  • Doesn’t affect any flags
  • Example:

mov al,11110000b
not al               ; AL = 00001111b


  • Performs an implied AND (doesn’t modify the destination operand)
  • Example:

test al,00001001b     ; test bits 0 and 3

  • Can be used to check if a bit is set (can also work on multiple bits) set - Modifies zero flag

; Example for testing status of a device using but 5
mov al,status

; If bit 5 in status is set, this will clear zero flag.
; Otherwise it will set zero flag.
test al,00100000b
jnz DeviceOffline

; Can be used also on multiple bits 0, 1 and 4
test al,00010011b
jnz InputDataByte

  • Can be used to test if an integer is even or odd

mov eax,18
test eax,1   ; ZF = 1
mov eax,17
test eax,1   ; ZF = 0


  • Performs implied substraction between source and destination operands (both are not modified)

CMP destination,source

  • Modifies zero, carry and sign flags

  • Example:

; Let’s look at three code fragments showing how flags are affected by the CMP
; instruction. When AX equals 5 and is compared to 10, the Carry flag is set
; because subtracting 10 from 5 requires a borrow
mov ax,5
cmp ax,10 ; ZF = 0 and CF = 1

; Comparing 1000 to 1000 sets the Zero flag because subtracting the source from
; the destination produces zero:
mov ax,1000
mov cx,1000
cmp cx,ax ; ZF = 1 and CF = 0

; Comparing 105 to 0 clears both the Zero and Carry flags because subtracting 0
; from 105 generates a positive, nonzero value
mov si,105
cmp si,0 ; ZF = 0 and CF = 0

Manipulating individual CPU flags

We can manipulate (set or clear) cpu flags using the boolean and comparison instructions. Here are some examples.

  • Zero flag

test al,0   ; set Zero flag
and al,0    ; set Zero flag
or al,1     ; clear Zero flag

  • Sign flag - operates against the highest bit of the destination operand

or al,80h    ; set Sign flag
and al,7Fh   ; clear Sign flag

  • Carry flag

stc   ; set Carry flag
clc   ; clear Carry flag

  • Overflow flag

mov al,7Fh   ; AL = +127
inc al       ; AL = 80h (-128), OF=1
or eax,0     ; clear Overflow flag

How do we mimic conditional statements like in higher level languages?

Here is an example program that finds the large value between 2 integers.

; filename: LargerOfTwoIntegers.asm

mov edx,eax     ; assume EAX is larger
cmp eax,ebx     ; if EAX is >= EBX
jae L1          ; jump to L1
mov edx,ebx     ; else move EBX to EDX
L1:             ; EDX contains the larger integer

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