Sunday, March 7, 2021

MOV Operator

  • Copies data from source operand to destination operand

MOV   destination, source

  • Cannot copy data from smaller to larger operand. For example if you are going to copy 16-bit data to a 32-bit register, set first the 32-bit register to 0 and use its lower 16-bit part.

count WORD 1 ; 16-bit value

mov ecx,0    ; 32-bit register
mov cx,count ; lower 16-bit part

  • But if you use immediate operands (no data labels) and you copy a smaller to a larger operand, it will work. The upper bits of destination will be cleared out (equal to 0).

mov eax,0ffh
; eax = 0x000000ff

  • If the source operand is a data label, it copies data from that memory location to the destination operand. To copy only the memory address (and not the data), use offset operator.

mov eax,offset myVal ; copies memory address 0x00B8102B to eax
mov eax,myVal       ; copies data contained in 0x00B8102B to eax
mov eax,[myVal]     ; same as above

  • If the source operand is a register and contains a memory address, you must dereference it if you want to get the actual data.

mov esi,offset myVal ; copies memory address 0x00B8102B to esi
mov eax,esi          ; copies memory address 0x00B8102B to eax
mov ecx,[esi]        ; copies data located in memory address 0x00B8102B to ecx

MOVZX (MOV with zero-extended)

  • Allows directly moving smaller operand to larger operand by adding 0’s on remaining part (like a padding)

byteVal BYTE 10001111b  ; byte is 8 bits 

movzx ax, byteVal.  ; ax is 16-bit

  • This can only be used on the following type of operands

  • If higher bits of destination register has contents, those will be overwritten by 0.

MOVSX (MOV with sign-extended)

  • Similar to MOVZX
  • The destination operand MSB is set to the MSB of the source operand

byetVal BYTE 10001111b

movsx ax, byteVal

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