Wednesday, December 26, 2018

RKE (Rancher Kubernetes Engine)


- short for Rancher Kubernetes Engine
- lightweight installer of K8 on bare-metal and virtual machines
- solves common issue on K8 installation -- complexity


rke -d up --ignore-docker-version --config rancher-cluster.yml
rke etcd snapshot-save --name rancher_snapshot.b --config rancher-cluster.yml --ignore-docker-version


Spinning up k8 cluster
Centos 7.5
Docker 17.03
Kubernetes 1.11

1. Download RKE binary
2 ... TBD
Removing a node
- comment out the node information on cluster.yml
- execute "rke up"


ssh: rejected: administratively prohibited
- update openssh to 7.4,and docker version v1.12.6
- set "AllowTcpForwarding yes" "PermitTunnel yes" to /etc/ssh/sshd_config, and
  then restart sshd service
- the host which run rke can ssh to all nodes without password
- run: "groupadd docker" to create docker group,while docker group is not exist.
- run: "useradd -g docker yourusername" to create yourusername user and set it's
  group to docker
- set the docker.service's MountFlags=shared (vi /xxx/xxx/docker.service)
- run:"su yourusername" to change current user,and then restart the docker
  service. so in the user yourusername session the docker.sock will be created
in the path /var/run/docker.sock
- in cluster.yml set the ssh user to yourusername(in setup hosts)
FATA[0088] [workerPlane] Failed to bring up Worker Plane: Can't remove Docker container [rke-log-linker] for host []: Error response from daemon: Driver overlay failed to remove root filesystem ABCD: remove /var/lib/docker/overlay/EFGH/merged: device or resource busy
- just retry ./rke up

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