Thursday, August 2, 2018

MariaDB Backups

Backup types

1. Logical backups
  - information and records are in plain text
  - DB structure is retrieve by querying the DB
  - slower because server must access DB and convert it into logical format
  - performed while server is online
  - backups don't include log/configuration files

2. Physical backups
  - consist if raw copies of DB directories
  - output is more compact
  - can include config/log files
  - portable only to other machines w/ similar H/W and software
  - faster than logical backups
  - should be performed while server is offline or while tables in all DBs
    are locked to prevent changes during backup

Performing Logical Backups

mysqldmp -u root -p inventory > /backup/inventory.dmp
  -> -p will prompt for password
  -> inventory is the DB to backup
  -> use --all-databases to logically backup all DBs
  -> mysqldump requires atleast SELECT, SHOW VIEW, and TRIGGER privileges
  -> other useful options:
     --add-drop-tables     -- adds DROP TABLE before each CREATE TABLE statement
     --no-data             -- dumps only DB structure, not contents
     --lock-all-tables     -- no new record can be inserted during backup
     --add-drop-databases  -- adds DROP DATABASE before each CREATE DATABASE
Performing Physical Backups

Example of tools that is used are ibbackup, cp, mysqlhotcopy, and lvm.
Using LVM keps downtime of DB short. This great when DB is put on
a dedicated partition.

mysqladmin variables | grep datadir # -- checks where MariaDB files are stored

df /var/lib/mysql # -- verifies on what logical volume it resides
vgdisplay vg0 | grep Free # -- prints free space on volume group
systemctl stop mariadb # -- shuts down service
lvcreate -L20G -s -n mariadb-backup /dev/vg0/mariadb  -- creates LVM snapshot
mount /dev/vg0/mariadb-backup /mnt/snapshot # -- you mount the snapshot
tar cvf /root/mydb-backup.tar /mnt/snapshot
lvremove /dev/vg0/mariadb-backup
systemctl start mariadb # -- starts service again

Restoring a backup

Logical restore:

mysql -u root -p inventory < /backup/mariadb.dmp
mysql < /home/student/mydb.mysqldump

Physical restore:

systemctl stop mariadb
rm -rf /var/lib/mysql/*
tar xvf /root/mydb-backup.tar -C /

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