Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Redis Security

Redis General Security Model

- Designed to be accessed by clients in a trusted environment.
- Not recommended to be exposed directly to the internet.
- Clients/systems behind the front-end applications are the ones connecting to
- In general, Redis is not optimized for security but for performance.

Network Security

- Redis port must be opened only to applications that needs access.
- Can bind to single interface using: bind 127.0.01

Protected Mode

- Redis enter this mode when default configuration is used
- Default configuration:
    a. binds to all inerfaces
    b. no password
- Replies only to queries on loopback interfaces
- Replies an error to other clients connecting from different addresses
- Decrease security issue

Authentication Feature

- Redis doesn't try to implement access control by default
- Can provide a layer of security via "redis.conf"
- When turned ON, clients can only connect via "AUTH" command
- Password is set inside redis.conf
- "AUTH" command is sent unencrypted

Data Encryption Support

- Redis doesn't support encryption
- Additional layer must be incorporated like SSL proxy
- Recommended is spiped

Disabling Specific Command

- Commands can be disable or rename them to a different name
- Renaming: rename-command CONFIG b840fc02d524045429941cc15f59e41cb7be6c52
- Disabling: rename-command CONFIG ""

Attacks triggered by carefully selected inputs from external clients

- External attackers can insert data that triggers pathological algorithm
  complexity on data structures on redis internals
- For instance an attacker could supply, via a web form, a set of strings that
  is known to hash to the same bucket into a hash table in order to turn the
  O(1) expected time (the average time) to the O(N) worst case, consuming more
  CPU than expected, and ultimately causing a Denial of Service.
- Redis prevents this attack by per-execution pseudo-random seed to the hash

String escaping and NoSQL injection

- Redis doesn't use string escaping
- Protocol uses fixed-length strings which is considered safe

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