Friday, July 27, 2018

Ad-Hoc commands in Ansible


- uses /usr/bin/ansible
- doesn't make use of a playbook
- quick way to execute task against target machine(s)
- usage:
      ansible -a                  # uses "command" module (default)
      ansible -m -a  
      ansible webservers -m service -a "name=httpd state=restarted"
- when to use?
    * for doing file transfers
    * to power off several servers at once for monthly maintenance
    * to remove a line from httpd.conf on your webservers
    * and many more..

How does Ansible Ad-Hoc commands operate?

1. Gets configuration to use
     - checks $ANSIBLE_CONFIG for location of ansible.cfg
     - if no environment variable set, checks current path for ansible.cfg
     - if not present on current path, checks ~/.ansible.cfg
     - if not present on ~, tries /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
     - settings will be used on every connection made in each session

2. Loads pre-compiled files
    - you will see: Loading callback plugin minimal of type stdout, v2.0 from
    - seems that it is loading a compiled file to add speed in execution

3. Prepares module to use
     - searches /ansible/modules/ for the appropriate module
     - initiates SSH connection to target to create
     - creates /tmp/tmp w/c is a wrapper file for the
     - move the wrapper file under the directory created
     - there is also a tmp file created under the user's home directory on the
      control machine

4. Initiates SFTP session to target
     - this is used by Ansible to transfer files to remote machine
     - you can force it to use SCP by adding `scp_if_ssh = True` in ansible.cfg

5. Executes module and cleanup
     - initiates SSH session to execute ~/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-
     - removes ~/.ansible/tmp/ansible-tmp-/ recursively

6. Steps 3 - 5 are repeated for any succeeding modules to execute
     - some modules makes use of multiple modules to fulfill its goal
     - example: `copy` module uses `stat` and `copy` in succession

7. If all modules are executed, Ansible returns the output and exit


- parallelism
    * number of simultaneous hosts to talk to
    * default is 5
    * can be changed by:
        a. via adhoc command "-f " option
        b. via "forks" option in ansible.cfg

rebooting 10 servers at a time
$ ansible atlanta -a "/sbin/reboot" -f 10

Basic Commands

pinging the nodes
$ ansible all -m ping
localhost | SUCCESS => {
    "changed": false,
    "ping": "pong"

Remote Connections and Privelege Escalations

make ansible ask for SSH password
By default, ansible assumes you are using passwordless SSH. If that is not setup,
make ansible ask you for a password by,
$ ansible webserver -a "date" --ask-pass
using different SSH user
By default ansible will the user that run the playbook to be the user to connect
on the target system. To change it,

use "-u" via adhoc command,
$ ansible webserver -a "date" -u apache

"remote_user" via ansible.cfg,
$ echo "remote_user = apache" >> /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
$ ansible webserver -a "date"

or "ansible_user" via a variable.
$ ansible webserver -a "date" -e "ansible_user=apache"
becoming root
By default, adhoc commands doesn't make you root on the target system. To execute
task as root, use "-b" or "--become"
$ ansible jumphost -a "cat /etc/shadow" -b
becoming other than root
When you reached the target system using your SSH username, you can switch to other
user by:
$ ansible jumphost -a "ls -l /opt/jboss" -b --become-user=jboss

You may also enter the sudo password if needed:
$ ansible jumphost -a "ls -l /opt/jboss" -b --become-user=jboss --ask-become-pass

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