action_plugins =
- specifies
location of action plugins
- action plugins
enables module execution, templating, etc..
- used more by
- new in version
- prevents templating engine in evaluating jinja2 expression (security
- example:
{{lookup('pipe', '/path/to/some/command',
- new in version
- makes temporary
files created on target machines to be world readable
- useful when becoming an unprivileged user
ansible_managed = Ansible managed
- string that can
added on files created from templates
- other modifiers
* {file} - expands to full path
of file
* {host} - hostname of the target
* {uid} - owner of file created
from template
- other example:
ansible_managed = Ansible
managed: {file} modified on %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S by {uid} on {host}
ask_pass = True
- determines
whether Ansible will prompt for an SSH password
- default: no
ask_sudo_pass = True
- determines
whether Ansible will prompt for sudo password
- helpful on systems enforcing sudo passwords
- default: no
ask_vault_pass = True
- determines
whether Ansible asks for vault passwords
- default: no
bin_ansible_callbacks = False
- controls whether
plugins are loaded when running /ust/bin/ansible
- may be used to log activity from command line, send email notifications,
and so on
- always loaded for /usr/bin/ansible-playbook if present and cannot be
callback_plugins =
- specifies
location of callback plugins
- callback plugins are pieces of codes that get called on specific events
to trigger notifications
- mostly used by developers
callback_whitelist = timer,mail
- new in version
- enables a list of additional callbacks
- cannot change or override default stdout callback
command_warnings = False
by default, ansible issues a warning to use the module counterpart of an
executed shell command
- e.g using "yum install package" as a shell command instead of
using "yum" module
- this setting controls whether warnings are supressed or not
- this can also be appended to the end of
command/shell string
$ ansible all -bm
shell -a "git update foo warn=no"
connection_plugins =
- specifies
location of connection plugins
- connection plugins permit to extend channel used by ansible to transport
commands and files
- mostly used by developers
deprecation_warnings = True
- new in version
- allows disabling of deprecating warnings in ansible-playbook output
- deprecation warnings indicate usage of legacy feature that will be
removed in future releases
display_args_to_stdout = False
- if enabled,
parameters will be displayed together with the task names
TASK [testing
display_args_to_stdout _raw_params=touch /tmp/secret, _uses_shell=True]
- default is
display_skipped_hosts = True
- if
disabled, ansible will not display status for a task that is skipped
- default is True
- note that ansible will always show the task header for any task
regardless of whether or not
the task is skipped
available since version 1.3
- by default, task with undefined variable will be mark as failed and any
host for that task
will be remove from the rest of the
- if enabled, tasks with undefined variables will not be marked as failed,
hosts on that task
will still be included on the rest
if the play, but the variables on the destination will
be rendered as it is
- example:
[testing template]
**************************************************************************************************************** : ok=1 changed=1 unreachable=0 failed=0
~$ cat /tmp/testfile
secret_var }}
executable = /bin/bash
- shell
to spawn under sudo environment on target system
- default is /bin/sh
- starting version 2.1, this is overwridden by variable
filter_plugins =
- used
to extend template system
- mostly used by developers
force_color = 1
- sets
color mode even running w/o TTY
force_handlers = True
- new in
version 1.9.1
- determines if handlers will be ran on host even a failure occure on that
- default is False
- can also be set per play or on command line
forks = 5
- number
of parallel process to spawn when communicating to remote hosts
- default is 5
fact_caching = jsonfile
- if
enabled and there is a valiud data for a host, ansible will use that rather
than running
`setup` module
- value should be name of cache plugin
- example values: redis, jsonfile
fact_caching_connection = localhost:6479:0
- tells
ansible where to cache facts
- for json, value is path to local directory
- for redis, value is in "localhost:port:database" format
fact_caching_timeout = 86400
- sets
expiry of facts
- 0 = disables expiry
- positive values = TTL in seconds
fact_path = /home/centos/ansible_facts.d
- sets
custom path for local facts for "setup" tasks
- default is in /etc/ansible/facts.d
* affects only fact gathering
triggered by a play when "gather_facts: True"
gethering = implicit
- new in
version 1.6
- controls how control machine gathers facts from remote nodes
- values:
a. implicit
- default
- fact cache will be
- facts will be gather per
play unless "gather_facts: False" is set
b. explicit
- inverse of implicit
- facts will not be gathered
unless requested in the play
- uses fact cache
c. smart
- for each new host w/o
facts recently discovered will be scanned
- if a previously scanned
host is encountered again, it will no longer be scanned
- uses fact cache
gather_subset = all
- new in
version 2.1
- specifies what set of facts is gathered
a. all - gather all subsets
b. network - network info
c. hardware - hardware info
(longest facts to gather)
d. virtual - info about virtual
machines inside the target host
e. ohai - gather facts from
f. facter - gather facts from
- can be combined in the ways:
gather_subset = network,virtual # network and virtual subsets only
gather_subset = !hardware # don't gather H/W facts
gather_subset = !all # collects minimal amount of
hash_behaviour = replace
- new in
version 2.0
- controls whether variables encountered in multiple places are merged or
replace (default)
deprecated since 1.9
- use inventory instead
host_key_checking = True
enabled by default in version 1.3 and later
internal_poll_interval = 0.001
new in version 2.2
- sets interval (in seconds) of Ansible internal processes polling each
- lower values improve performance with large
playbooks at the expense of extra CPU load
- higher values are more suitable for Ansible usage in automation
scenarios, when UI responsiveness
is not required but CPU usage might be a
- default corresponds to the value hardcoded in Ansible ≤ 2.1
inventory = /etc/ansible/hosts
- specifies default
inventory file on where to look for hosts
- called "hostfile" in versions before 1.9
inventory_ignore_extensions = ~, .orig, .bak, .ini, .cfg, .retry,
.pyc, .pyo
- files to ignores
when treating a directory as a source of multiple directories
- eg: ansible -i /home/my_inventories/ webserver -a "uptime"
jinja2_extensions =,jinja2.ext.i18n
- enables jinja2
- used by developers
library = /usr/share/ansible
- path to search
for modules
- can be a colon-separated list of directories
- ansible can also search inside ./library alongside a playbook
- in case of modules with same name, paths are searched in order and the
first one encountered is used
- example of having multiple locations:
$ mkdir -p
$ cd /srv/modules
$ git checkout
ssh://custom_modules .
$ export
$ ansible [...]
local_tmp = ~/.ansible/tmp
- new in version
- directory to
store the file (module + constants + some codes) that will be sent to remote
- default is inside user's home directory
- if present,
ansible will log executions on this file
- not enable by default
- even w/o this, ansible logs module arguments to the target system's
syslog (excluding passwords)
- user running the playbook must have permissions to write on this file
lookup_plugins =
- allows low-level
extensions to be loaded from different locations
- used by developers
- new in version
- when True, specifying --tags and --skip-tags more than once will merge
all tags altogether
- default in 2.3 is False (only last tag will be used)
- default in 2.4 is True
- after 2.8, the option will be removed (multiple tags will always be
module_lang = en_US.UTF-8
- language used
between module and the system
- default is value of $LANG on the controller
- used only if module_set_locale is set to True
module_name = command
- default module
(-m) to use for /usr/bin/ansible
- default is "command" module
- controls whether
ansible will prepend locale-specific environment variables
- if enabled, it results in LANG, LC_MESSAGES, and LC_ALL being set when
the module is executed on the given remote system
- new in version 2.1 and defaults to True
- in version 2.2, default is False
module_utils = /usr/share/ansile/my_module_utils
- location to look
for module utils
- module utils are python modules that is combined to ansible modules when
sending to remote machine
- module utils is useful for extracting common code when developing a set
of site-specific modules
- multiple locations can be separated by colon
- ansible will also look under ./module_utils alongisde a playbook
nocolor = 0
- colorized the
output for success and failure
- default is 0 (ON)
- 1 is OFF
nocows = 0
- by default,
ansible will take advantage of cowsay if installed
- can be disabled by using 1 (OFF)
pattern = *
- default group to
talk to when "hosts:" stanza is supplied
- default is talk to all hosts
- only applicable to /usr/bin/ansible-playbook
poll_interval = 15
- sets how often to
check on status of tasks launch with "async" option
- default is 15 seconds
private_key_file = /path/to/key/file
- path to private
key used in SSH connections to remote systems
remote_port = 22
- default port the
control machine will communicate to the remote
- can be specified in the inventory as a variable for a host or group of
remote_tmp - ~/.ansible/tmp
- location where to
put modules on the remote system
- default is under the remote user's home directory
remote_user = root
- default username
ansible will connect as for /usr/bin/ansible-playbook (default is root)
- /usr/bin/ansible will use current user running the ad-hoc command when
this setting is not set
restrict_facts_namespace = False
- new in version
- allows restricting fact on their own namespace rather than pusing them
into main
- example:
When False:
- debug: var=ansible_system
When True:
- debug: var=ansible_facts.ansible_system
retry_files_enabled = True
- tells ansible
whether a failed playbook should create a .retry file
- default is True
retry_files_save_path = ~/.ansible/retry-files
- path where .retry
files are created
- default location is adjacent to the play
- can be changed on any directory which is writable (directory will be
created if it doesn't exist)
- "retry_files_enabled" must be set to True to use this setting
roles_path = /path/to/role
- new in version
- default is to search first under roles/ subdirectory of a playbook
- can be set to multiple path separated by colon
squash_actions =
- new in version
- allows optimizing actions that call modules that support list parameters
when using with_ looping
- instead calling the module once for each item, the module is called once
with full list
- default is only for certain package managers
- currently supports only modules with name parameter and only when the
item is the only thing being passed to the parameter
stdout_callback = skippy
- new in version
- overrides the default stdout callback for ansible-playbook
strategy_plugins =
- allows users
change the way ansible run tasks on targeted hosts
- mostly used by developers
strategy = free
- specifies the
default strategy
sudo_exe = sudo
- sets the path to
sudo_flags=-H -S -n
- additional flags
when using sudo support
- default is "-H -S -n" which sets the HOME environment
- "-n" will conflict using passwordless sudo auth like
sudo_user = root
- default user to
sudo is root
- available only in /usr/bin/ansible
system_warnings = True
- new in version
- allows disabling
of system warnings / potential issues when running ansible
- default is True
- may include warnings about 3rd party packages issues that should be
timeout = 10
- default SSH
timeout to use on connection attempts (in seconds)
- which is the default: 10 or 12 seconds?
transport = paramiko
- default transport
to use if "-c " is not specified in
/usr/bin/ansible or /usr/bin/ansible-playbook
- default is "smart"
* use openSSH if OS is new enough
to support ControlPersist
* uses paramiko if openSSH w/
ControlPersist is unavailable
- other values are: local, chroot, and jail
vars_plugins =
- allows low-level
extensions to be loaded from different locations
- mosty used by developers
vault_password_file = /path/to/vault_password_file
- new in version
- sets path as an alternative to "--vault-password-file"
- can also be a script